The Copenhagen interpretation of deep-fried tofu

The Birds

The Haus of Goth, 2010

I let myself into the Haus at about four in the afternoon. My own place, semi-affectionately dubbed The House that Cider Built, had run out of electricity again, and I needed to get some work done.

Thankfully I’d been given my own key to the Haus months ago. It was partly a gesture of trust, but mostly because Niall, Nic and Richey had gotten sick of throwing their keys down to me from their lounge window every time I turned up on their doorstep.

I turned up most days.

No one was due home for a couple of hours, so I went through to the aforementioned lounge to settle in, armed with my netbook and a fresh two-litre bottle of Pepsi. Cut me and I bleed caffeine.

The large cardboard box from the Chinese takeaway we’d ordered a couple of nights earlier was sat, rather incongruously, in the centre of the coffee table. There was a note taped to its side, a hastily-written scrawl in red permanent marker:

“There’s a bird inside. It may or may not be dead.”

Great, I thought. Schrödinger’s bird.

I dumped my stuff down on the sofa and dug my phone out to text Niall.


The reply came back almost instantly. Either that or time had ground to a halt in my mind as I stood, transfixed, in the aura of the bird-box.

“Cat brought in bird. No time to deal with it. Alive when I left.”

I stabbed out a reply.


I poked the box with my phone reproachfully. Alive bird? Dead bird? Zombie bird? Hitchocockian bird? Birdzilla?

My phone went off in my hand. I jumped a sodding mile.


Fuck yes.


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About emxme

I'm just killing time before the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Wanna be on my team?

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