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1, 2, Freddy’s coming for you


A conversation with my 4-year-old godson

“Auntie Emma, what’s that on your necklace?”

“That one? That’s tiger’s eye. It used to be my grandma’s, so it’s very special to me.”

Used to be? Why isn’t it any more?”

Bollocks. Sometimes he can be surprisingly perceptive.

“Well honey, she died. I wear it to remind me of her.”

“Why did she die?”

“She was old, sweetheart. I’m afraid one night she just fell asleep and didn’t wake up.”

“So when you’re old, if you fall asleep you die?!”

A little bit more Nightmare on Elm Street than I was aiming for, but I ran with it.

“Sometimes. But don’t worry, you have to be really old.”

“Louis is really old. If he falls asleep, will he die?

“Dude, Louis is 21. He’s not going to die for a very long time.”

Thanks for making me feel ancient kid. Also, can someone else handle the sex talk? I feel like this one didn’t go too well.